Monday, March 5, 2012

Its not me. Its you.

Facebook has become, in my head, a necessary evil in my life. I like to keep my close friends and family updated on the daily happenings at our house. I have so many friends and family spread out around the country that the easiest way to do this is by using Facebook. I used to blog on a semi-daily basis. It was a great way to tell my fun family stories and post pictures and videos. Then social media sites like, Facebook, Myspace, Cafemom, etc, etc, took over. I have missed the creative outlet keeping a blog gave me. I just didn't realize it until recently. Checking my Facebook turned into a lesson in self restraint. With over 300+ "friends", I saw some pretty annoying and rude comments, articles, videos and statuses. I started to get cranky after checking the silly thing. What really brought all of this home for me was last Friday at the zoo. We were outside of the aquarium and I overheard two mothers complaining about what they had just read on their Facebook mobile. "can you believe this? what a bitch!" were the couple of sentences that caught my attention. They went on complaining and commenting about this person on their Facebook who probably didn't deserve a minute of their time on most days, let alone on a beautiful day with their children at the zoo. As they were getting mad at Facebook comments, their kids were being adorable. They barely noticed. This general pissy attitude carried on to the Polar bears. I felt like that was sad and wondered if maybe I had missed out on any sweet moments with my kids because of some stupid shit on Facebook. I saw it again near the playground, two moms complaining about someone's facebook antics. It was odd. Has it always been like this? So, to prevent my slow evolution into one of these moms who are missing out on sweet moments with their kids, I'm deleting my Facebook from my phone. I don't need Facebook at the palm of my hands at any time. Thats giving Facebook too much power. I'll keep my account to keep up with people I actually care about, but it sure doesn't need to be such a huge part of my day to day life. Facebook, I think its best we take a break. I'm not de-friending you, just "hiding" your posts. Its not me, Facebook, its you.